Mediothek Afghanistan was founded in Germany in the year 1993 with the aim of strengthening education in Afghanistan and keeping the Afghan cultural and intellectual heritage alive. Since 1995 the organization has been working within the country, running various schools, especially for girls, and research projects.


Mediothek Afghanistan is a double-mandated organization, community building, and media development as well as humanitarian assistance, present with five regional offices in Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif, Kunduz, Jalalabad, and Khost supporting youth, civil society and helping the deprived. We work with a highly committed management team within a well-trained, powerful network of professionals and volunteers across the country which is called Mediothek Youth Network (MYN). Due to our decentralized approach, we are proud to exceed the geographical reach of most like-minded agencies in Afghanistan.

Since 2002 Mediothek Afghanistan has cooperated with national and international institutions and donors (including various embassies, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, USAID, UNHCR, and international and national Afghan NGOs) and has been successful in complying with donors’ regulations and procedures.

Mediothek Afghanistan – Kabul

Our Mission:

Delivery of humanitarian assistance for people, especially women, most in need, implementing the humanitarian-development approach.
Capacity building of youths to support a developed, sustainable and peaceful future for Afghanistan and the region through education, community building, conflict transformation, and media development.

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Our Objectives:

  • humanitarian assistance for the most deprived
  • strengthen civil society structures and peace capacities
  • develop and support pluralistic media
  • promote inclusive values and a culture of tolerance and non-violence
  • promote community, institution, and nation building
  • promote education and capacity building for women
  • implement the HDP triple nexus approach, the interlinkages between the humanitarian, development.


The Mediothek has a strongly decentralized structure which allows the offices in the different provinces to respond flexibly to the local needs and sensibilities. Mediothek’s Executive staff consist of locally respected personalities who ensure a high level of trustworthiness, Afghan ownership, and strong social networks in the provinces. Our approach is informed by a mix of traditional and modern concepts of intervention, by traditional Afghan methods and participation as well as by a deep understanding of the cultural and religious sensitivity (especially toward women) and psychological effects of the war in the Afghan and regional context.

Meet The Team​