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Submitted by Administrator on Fri, 2013/09/13 – 00:51

Documentary films in Focus
Community and Media Center Kabul hosted a documentary and storied film screenings.
Six short films, made by young Afghan filmmakers were shown and screened before an audience of more than fifty participants. Participants were of a wide range of backgrounds, including filmmakers, university students, activists, artists…
The program started with an analysis of the current stay of documentary filmmaking industry in Afghanistan. Each film was briefly introduced by the filmmaker.
The screening took a total of 90 minutes, subsequently and a panel answered the questions of the participants.
Indigenous filmmaking, particularly documentary/storied film industry is in its infancy in Afghanistan, a great deal of work and efforts and support is needed to get the industry to stand on its feed in producing films which can at least be counted as films produced by Afghan filmmakers.
But, the fact is that these filmmakers have demonstrated tremendous professionalism and dedication in the six films shown this evening.
Mediothek Afghanistan is committed to do everything possible for the development and growth of a vibrant and progressive film industry in Afghanistan, organizing such event is a testament to that ideal.
The films shown; Swap directed by: Sayed Masood Eslami, The House directed by Hassan Fazeli, The Unknown by Abdul Ghafar Faizyar, The Last President by Jamil Jalla, End of Story by Ghafar Azad and finally Amir and Sara By Sayed Jalal Husain.

Post Author: Admin

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