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Submitted by Administrator on Thu, 2013/05/30 – 15:23

Conflict, of any kind, is the biggest challenge of social life in Afghanistan. One can see tribal, regional, racial and sectarian conflict across the country. And because of these conflicts, the country is known as the country of Jirgas or councils. Bus so far, all the effort adopted to settle these conflicts have been mostly traditional methods of resolution; there have not been any concrete efforts to professionally resolving these conflicts. Media House Balkh deemed it important to conduct a workshop for journalists and civil society institutions on this crucial topic.
The two-day workshop conducted on the 25th and 26th of May, 2013, provided a comprehensive overview of conflict, particularly in the Afghan context, and provided a detailed context about conflict; the workshop was instructed by Karimullah Kamoor, master trainer of journalism and conflict.
What is conflict, prevention and resolution of conflict, reconciliation, kinds of conflicts, role of media and civil society institutions and journalists in conflict resolution, effective approaches of conflict resolution were some of the important topics discussed during the two-day workshop.
Additionally, participants conducted group and practical work, and resolved hypothetical cases of conflict, using the methods learned during the course.
Following the official opening ceremony of Mediothek’s new building in Mazar-e-Sharif, this was the first conflict resolution workshop; it was well received by participants.

Post Author: Admin

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