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Submitted by Mediothek on Sun, 2013/05/26 – 17:33

The Mediothek Afghanistan delivers regularly programs that support peace-building and pluralistic media institution in the region. The aim of the events and different initiatives is to strengthen civil society structure not just in Kabul, where the head office of the Mediothek Afghanistan is located, but also in many provinces across the country.

Previous construction project by the Mediothek
An office where such an peaceful dialogue is fostered is Kunduz. Our non-profit organization constructed here an office building that promotes a friendly working environment for social, media and civil activities by following modern architectural standards.

A new building for Mazar-e- Sharif
The most recent construction project of the Mediothek Afghanistan is the new office in Mazar-e- Sharif. It is located in the northern province of Balkh. The Mediothek team set in July 2011 the first stone ,in what became in September 2012 an office that promotes nation building and a culture of non-violence in the region and the new building was officially inaugurated in 23rd May 2013 .

A project supported by BMZ
The new building is located in the quarter of Khaled Ben Waleed of Mazar-e- Sharif. We highly appreciate that the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supported this project financially and we would like to thank this international institute for its continued support to create an independent media in the region.

Future plans: a community center and culture hub
It is not only the building that is different and innovative architecturally, but also the work that is conducted here. Following our objective, does it serves as the dedicated center for professional and practical learning about conflict resolution and peace-building and sustainable peace. Our team is committed to develop the new space into a community center and culture hub. Its full name “Maulana Balkhi Peace Center”, is a reference to the Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī the famous 13th-century poet, jurist, theologian and contributor to the mystical tradition of Islam, Sufism.
Another specific feature of the center is the exhibition of paintings from artists based around Balkh. We firmly believe that the Mulana’s House, similar to the teaching of Mulana, can enormously help, to bring people together and promote culture of tolerance, co-existence and mutual respects.

Post Author: Admin

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