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Submitted by Administrator on Wed, 2013/06/05 – 11:19

Media House Khost invited school age children to a film screening, the film made by an independent institution, is about peace and conflict, and most of the casting and acting is performed by children of young age.

The film “Dave and Peri” is film depicting the destruction, disaster and calamity that war brings upon people, it also pictures the things peace brings and paint a picture of what peace can offer, it highlights the role of children in peace.

Mr. Farooq Mangle, the coordinator of media house Khost says that our aim of screening this film before an audience of school age kids was to give them an impression and basic understanding of peace and war – presented in child-friendly manner.

The language of the film is very simple and in kid’s language, there is no violence of inappropriate language, the casts are also all children.

Showing films of this kind to children and exposing them to peaceful ways and means of resolving issues enormously help them to approach issues through peaceful ways and avoid conflict in any costs possible.

I learnt a lot of things form this film says Faridullah, a forth grader, adding that the story was very interesting, war destroys; it destroys schools, houses, buildings. War does not allow people to live a comfortable life.
Faridullah says that peace on the other hand, gives people chances to live comfortably, development comes with peace, children can go to school in peace, people can work if there is peace, and people are calm in peace.

This is the very first time that Mediothek take the initiative of screening a film to an audience of children. Experts say that these kinds of programs enormously help kids in their future lives, and dealing with issues as they grow up, and develop a sense of aversion towards war.

Post Author: Admin

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