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Submitted by Mediothek on Thu, 2013/02/28 – 16:06

Media House Kabul conducted a three-day workshop on Peace Journalism, twenty reporters and journalists both female and male from local media institutions, radio stations and TV channels and print publication agencies participated in the workshop, held in Media House Kabul.
Under the current circumstances peace journalism is more important in Afghanistan than other times. The main objective of this three-day workshop was to highlight the role of peace oriented journalism in Afghanistan and familiarize local journalists with the fundamentals of peace journalism as an important genre of modern journalism and comprehensively analyze the concept of peace journalism.
Participants warmly welcomed the undertaking and praised it as an important step in stabilizing the country through journalism.
The workshop was conducted by Mr.Masood Momin and in he course of the three days participants has ample time to discuss and learn the concept of peace journalism and war journalism and its models, obstacle of peace journalism, the difference between peace and war reporting, 17-point plan for practical peace journalism, traditional journalism versus peace journalism, concept of conflict, nine stages of conflict escalation and de-escalations, role of media as alternative in changing of conflict and principles of conflict analysis to reporting of a violent incident.
The program consisted of theoretical and practical session and presentation of example from prominent scholars of the field. The workshop ended with distribution of certificates.
Mediothek Media houses have been providing capacity building programs for the past couple of years, and this workshop serves as a sample of the capacity-building efforts.
This workshop organized by Mediothek Afghanistan in cooperation with GIZ-ZFD in this province and it was run from 26th -28th February 2013.

Post Author: Admin

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