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Submitted by Mediothek on Tue, 2009/09/22 – 00:54

Mediothek Faizabad hosted some young intellectuals in a fast breaking evening. The participants discussed about the different ways of insuring peace and stability. They also said that to have an stable country is to have a prominent democracy in the country. The participants asked the government to play their role with responsibility for insuring stability. They agreed that the justice is parallel to the peace and stability.
At the end of the program, a resolution addressing Kai Eide, UN representative in Afghanistan was declared and handed it over to UNAMA office in Faizabad.

And also a gathering was organized by initiative of UNAMA, Badakhskan Mediothek, and Nawen Academe, member of Badakhan civil society foundation, university teachers and educated youths participated in the program. It is mentioned the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Germany Provincial reconstruction tem and delegation of Germany foreigner ministry participated as observers.
The program end whit a short speech that the prosperity whiteout peace and peace whiteout prosperity is mean-less and frustrated

Post Author: Admin

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