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Submitted by Mediothek on Mon, 2010/07/19 – 23:58

Around table was arranged about the extension of culture activities among the representatives of culture societies in the office of Mediothek Community Center Khost on 19-07-2010 , The agenda of round table was read by Mohammad Aslam the culture and Art officer of MCC khost and he talked on the undergoing situation of cultural activities in Khost.
After ward Najibullah Alokhil the Coordinator of MCC Khost talked on the significance and effectiveness of cultural activities and said, cultural activities don’t have political side but these cultural activities aren’t as much as we wish.
Mr Alokhil said,”we should not hopeless from the current situation but we should try until man power to perform our jobs and affairs well.
He mentioned the adorers of culture in some districts for instance Sabari, Bak, Lakan, Gorbaz and other.
But nowadays there are no any cultural activities in the above mentioned districts.
Subsequently Jahan zib Jowher, Naqibullan Zaland and others talked turn by turn and emphasized on the extension of cultural activities to suburb where aren’t appear there.
MCC Khost was appreciated and about the socially and culturally activities and participation of youths and other.

Post Author: Admin

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