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Submitted by Mediothek on Wed, 2010/05/19 – 23:51
On 19-05-2010 there was a gathering about extending youth’s activities to suburbs include civic society members and government officials. In Gathering mentioned that Khost residents are witness some quick activities of youths recently.
But the problem is that those activities are limited to Khost City and they don’t cover the youth of suburbs.
They are worried and mentioned that in suburbs and far regions youths make the significant crust of Community and they are able to participate in every action of the community.
At the start of the gathering MCC Khost coordinator, Najibullah Alokhail talked about the role of youths in the future of the community.
And he mentioned all those programs that Mediothek has a plan to make for youths.
After this communication and culture chief Mohammad Amen Shah Alpert, Khost TV chief Faizullah Ghamkhor, youth foundations delegation Dr.Jabar, Mali khan Yaqobi and Mohammad Ghafoor Mhaidi Talked about the mentioned topic.
Speakers earned it is important and it is the demand of youths to make some programs in suburbs regions for youths motivation.
Gathering participants demand from Mediothek to prepare such programs for youths.

Post Author: Admin

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