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Kunduz Mediothek conducted a 2-day conference of youths and rule of law, challenges and opportunities participated by youths from northeast.
The conference took place on 22nd of November 2008 in Kunduz province, Kunduz Hotel. This conference financially supported by GTZ-Rule of Law.
60 representatives of youth’s civil foundations from the provinces of Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar and Baghlan, and 40 from governmental and nongovernmental organizations from Kunduz took part in the conference.
Following the official inauguration, the deputy head of Kunduz governor and some other governmental authorities, four representatives from the four participant’s provinces spoke on the issue. The youth’s representatives pointed out the problems and challenges on the way of rule of law in the country. They said that the youths must not be influenced by the ideas of others. They also focused on the problem of rule of law in the country and indicated the important rule of youths and the youth’s foundations in the process of enforcing the law in the country.
By the end of the first day program, all the participants had a visit to Kunduz Mediothek office. They visited all the working offices. Mr. Rasuly, Kunduz Mediothek coordinator gave some explanation about Mediothek new building and all its projects in the northeast.
After the dinner, the participants took part in a cultural gathering with two guests: Ghulam Ghaus Hairat Faryabi speaking on youth’s social manner and Dr. Mohammad Latif Sharifi speaking on psychology of post-war youths. The youths took part in the night event with full enthusiasm by reading some piece of poems. There was also some local music played during the program. This part of the event ran until 12 pm.
The second day of the conference started after a short sum up of the program of the first day. The agenda of the second day of the conference was group work by the participant provinces. In the group they discussed on the challenges of rule of law and the reason for those challenges in their own provinces. Each province pointed out the solutions for the existing problems and presented the result of their group work to the audience of the conference.
After the presentation of each province, the audience was given some time to asked questions about their presentation. The youths found this part of the work very useful.
In the afternoon of the second day, the participants were distributed to six working groups to discuss on six different topics related to rule of law and youths.
After the group work, representative of the four provinces approved a resolution. It was read to the audience of the conference and they all agreed to it.
At the end of the conference, the donor and implementing organization conducted a press conference to all journalists working for national and international media.

Post Author: Admin

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