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Two trainings and one evening of discussions

What can Afghan media do to contribute to the protection of the Afghan environment? This was the main topic of Mediothek’s annual Summer Academy starting from 29th of September 2010. The Summer Academy introduces Afghan media to new or upcoming topics in politics in order to raise awareness and improve the quality and quantity of reporting for a better information of the public. The problems of Afghanistan’s environment are becoming more and more severe. More than 80 percent of the Afghans are directly dependent on the country’s natural resources such as water, land or forests – at the same time these resources have been neglected or destroyed over the last decades of war and civil war. Air and water pollution affect the health (and income) of millions, the cities’ waste management is insufficient and the massive illegal cutting of woods and forests contributes to droughts, floods and the desertification of the country.

Mediothek has a “green policy” since May 2009 and considers awarenessraising in this field, especially via the media, as its duty.

At the get-together in the afternoon before the first training Mediothek has hosted 80 experts for speeches and engaged discussions. People made new contacts for cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and opinions. Then two trainings of four days each followed in which 38 journalists from all over the country took part. Mediothek was able to get the most important players in the field on board for altogether 12 lectures in each of the trainings, such as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as many experts from universities and municipality. The trainings, including the journalistic parts (how to report environmental stories, which stories to choose, how to research them), were moderated by an international expert, a German journalist.

The journalists were highly interested and discussed engagedly. They said they got precious insights in a new field and for further coverage.

Media Conferences
“Afghan Media and International Stakeholders – For a Better Understanding and Improved Reporting”
Four events in Jalalabad, Kunduz, Mazar-e Sharif and Herat
Together with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a German political foundation, Mediothek Media House Kabul has conducted a series of conferences bringing together Afghan media and international stakeholders. Background of the program is the massive complaint of Afghan journalists throughout the country that they don’t get information from the international side.

Over the past 9 years international development organizations and military forces have been reporting actively back to their own countries about what and how they were doing in Afghanistan – the communication with the Afghan public

however was weak. This lack of transparency has caused several conflicts which are also being widely discussed in international politics. It has helped increasing prejudices and anxieties within Afghan society, it has produced anger and frustration, and has caused misunderstandings about the intentions of the international community in Afghanistan. Mediothek and FES are of the opinion that it is crucial that the international community in Afghanistan acknowledges its duty to provide the Afghan public with professional and neutral information about its goals and achievements in Afghanistan.

After an initial round table by FES in Kabul four further conferences of two days each together with Mediothek were organized in Jalalabad, Kunduz, Mazar-e Sharif and Herat (altogether 243 guests). On the first day Afghan journalists met representatives of the development organizations, amongst them International Red Cross, USAID, UNAMA and many more. On the second day the media representatives met Public Affairs Officers from ISAF.

In presentations, discussions and workgroups the participants learned about each others’ perceptions and defined the challenges communicating with other. Strategies for a better cooperation in the future were developed.

Mediothek and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung consider this program as very successful and plan to continue it in 2011.

A comprehensive final report is available. If you are interested in receiving it please contact Mediothek’s managing director in Kabul, Mr. Hamidullah Zazai (zazai[at], or contact Mediothek media advisor Christine Roehrs (chr.roehrs[at]

Post Author: Admin

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