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Following the successful implementation of the Summer Academy of 2011 under the title of “Afghan Media Covers Corruption”, This year the Summer Academy is conducted under the title of “Media and Afghanistan’s Economic Development”. This is a special program from Mediothek Afghanistan; it is implemented every year in the last three years dealing with some of the most pressing issues facing Afghan Societies.
The program inaugurated on Saturday, 25th of August of 2012 in the main office of Mediothek Afghanistan in Kabul. 20 journalists from the same number of provinces form across the country and media activists and representatives of Kabul based Media organizations, and reporters of national took part in the inauguration of the program.
General Managing Director of Mediothek Mr. Hamidullah ZaZai shed light on the objectives, structure and importance of the program. He said this program is a concerned effort to bring the attention of journalists to crucial and critical social, environmental, economical… issues. And provide needed learning opportunities for them.
Analyzing the challenges media encounter in Afghanistan Mr. Sidiqullah Tawhidi Media Watch/Advocacy Manager at Nai (Supporting open Media in Afghanistan) said that Mediothek Afghanistan has always dealt with issues serving as backbones for development and growth in Afghanistan and a prime example is the current program added Mr. Tawhidi.
“These programs open up new ways and channels for media’s activists to undertake professional as well as cultural initiatives, and bring about coordination and organization among media outlets and bridge gaps between government and media” said Mrs. Najiba Ayubi head of Killid Group, an independent, Afghan public media group.
These programs provide a rare opportunity for nationwide journalists to interact with experts and key players of different fields _ in this case key players of private and state-ran economic sectors. Additionally the program provides a very great learning chance through lectures presented by key experts and analysts of the fields concerned.
As usual, Mediothek Summer Academy does not only focus on providing media education and trainings for journalists, but it also strives to familiarize Afghan Media with and provide in-depth information on pressing social, cultural, political and economic issues.
This program is a combination of professional lectures from experts and analysts as well as practical works and activities. The program will also provide a rare opportunity for participants to meet with well-renown players and personalities of the field and consult them about the development, research and publications of reports and researches.
This program consists of different educational phases and topics; it will last for six days. 20 journalists of 15 provinces will participate in this program. In addition to training and education events and discussion the program has a “cultural evening” – where representatives of influential media institutions, members of civil society organizations and representatives of governmental media will take part.

Post Author: Admin

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