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Mediothek Afghanistan services regular magazines in print and online. The objective is to provide local and regional information by journalists from different parts of the country – from the North, the South, the East, the West and the Center. Most of these journalists with local knowledge and expertíse have been trained by Mediothek. They maintain a lively journalistic country-wide network which is also extended to neighboring countries, especially Pakistan. They report from on the ground and do their own research, inquiry and interviews. They also work on mutual stories and reports, putting the respective pieces of information from various locations together in order to develop the full picture of the social, political and economic landscape of Afghanistan and the neighboring region.

The print version which appears bi-weekly in the Afghan language Pashto is called Nananai Afghanestan which means Aghanistan Today. The printed Dari version is called Afghanestan Emruz. And the online magazine in Dari and Pashto which is updated nearly daily is called Afghanistan Today and is to be found under the following link: The online magazine is financially supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. Alll three form the same group.

The online magazine closely cooperates with the English online publication Afghanistan Today which you find online at This is published by the German organization Media in Conflict Transformation (MICT) in close cooperation with Mediothek. Some of the English contributions are translated into Dari and Pashto and vice versa.

Post Author: Admin

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